Saturday, June 10, 2006

NEWS - Stemming criticism

I consider stem cell research to be of vital importance. I believe that an embryo is a potential human being, but not a human being in its own right. Starting from that premise, I have few qualms about abortion, let alone stem cell research--which uses cells at a much earlier stage than a typical abortion, and destroys cells that would never be allowed to develop in any event.
However, I recognize that some people have serious moral qualms about destroying embryos--even in the face of the benefits that stem cell research seems likely to bring. While I strongly disagree with that position, I also believe it's reprehensible to compel people to pay for that which they consider immoral. That's why, while I consider stem cell research to be of the utmost importance, I also agree with President Bush's ban on using government money for said science.
Now for the good news: Harvard University is doing what I and like-minded libertarians hoped for--conducting this important research with private funds.



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