Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Don't tell me this is news.

Pretty much ALL of ABC's 6:30 nightly newscast was devoted to the Democratic National Convention. Specifically, to the fact that they nominated Obama to be their presidential candidate.

If they had nominated (either) Clinton, that would be news. If that had nominated Richardson, that would be news. If they had nominated Ron Paul, it would REALLY be news since he's a Republican. The fact that they nominated Obama--the apparent candidate for several months--simply makes it an orchestrated and ridiculous formality to confirm what had previously been decided. Not news. It merits a one-sentence mention on the news broadcast; it doesn't warrant more than 24 minutes of live coverage.

The only news on the show was the story about Olympian Dara Torres getting surgery on her shoulder. So we're talking about six minutes. Give me a break!

The only interesting thing about such fluff is is thet don't do it again for the Republican Convention, does it reveal bias or learning that it was a waste of time with the Democrats?


Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two (somewhat belated) thoughts about Sen. Edwards

I watched Sen Edwards' interview on ABC's Nightline on August 8. The truth be known, I did so more from habit than desire. I don't like him (or most politicians) and didn't really care what he had to say about his adultery. However, having done so, I did have two quickthoughts on the interview. Cheap shots, perhaps, but I feel they're fair.

1. I have a hard time thinking of a case where a politician seemed sleazier to me than that interview. Being in the Senate alone is usually enough to earn my mistrust, but in this case, the feeling I had after watching the interview wasscuzzy in the same way, but to a worse degree, that I felt after dealing with the flood when the toilet overflowed.

2. Although John Edwards said in the interview that, “My Lord and my wife have forgiven me.” I would note that neither of them actually appeared on the program to confirm this. We have only the word of an admitted liar.
