Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Two (somewhat belated) thoughts about Sen. Edwards

I watched Sen Edwards' interview on ABC's Nightline on August 8. The truth be known, I did so more from habit than desire. I don't like him (or most politicians) and didn't really care what he had to say about his adultery. However, having done so, I did have two quickthoughts on the interview. Cheap shots, perhaps, but I feel they're fair.

1. I have a hard time thinking of a case where a politician seemed sleazier to me than that interview. Being in the Senate alone is usually enough to earn my mistrust, but in this case, the feeling I had after watching the interview wasscuzzy in the same way, but to a worse degree, that I felt after dealing with the flood when the toilet overflowed.

2. Although John Edwards said in the interview that, “My Lord and my wife have forgiven me.” I would note that neither of them actually appeared on the program to confirm this. We have only the word of an admitted liar.



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