Wednesday, June 25, 2008

License to promote government websites

Today was the day for the trip down to the tax collector's office to get a new license plate for the Camry.

I would note: I live in Florida. I do not live in; that's not even a state. If the State of Florida is going to promote their website on license plates, they ought to pay car owners for the advertising; the $37 check that changed hands did not go from the county to me.

As long as I'm griping, two other points. First, what genius decided that Floridians need a new license plate every five years? Is the aluminum lobby in Tallahassee that strong? I mean--it's not like the old plate wore out. Second, I note that Florida's website is a .com. The .com domain was intended for PRIVATE companies. Florida is a state; it should have a domain.

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