Thursday, February 09, 2006

LANG - Anyone here speak Yiddish?

Does anyone reading this know the correct spelling for "fitschimmled?"

In my blog entry last night, I referred to a schedule possibly being "messed up." When I was writing that entry, I had originally planned on using what I thought was a synonym for that term--but one that I can't recall ever seen in writing, only hearing.

I tried Googling several spellings, tried looking it up on the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, and tried looking up an online Yiddish dictionary. (And then another. And another after that.) A nice trip down a linguistic memory lane from living near New York, and hearing all the good Yiddishisms that find their way into your lexicon if you live in that part of the country, but other than that, nada. Zilch.

I decided to ask my dad at lunch today about the word--he thought it might be two words, and that the second word might be "related to 'shlemiel.'" Worth a shot. Back to the Yiddish dictionaries and Google. Maybe "fitschimmled" might be "feh shlemiel," which, as far as I can determine, would mean "disgusting idiot." However, I can't find any evidence that "feh shlemiel" is used as a phrase in typical use--or that it's gramatticaly correct Yiddish. Nor can I find any evidence for its use as a verb in English. I'm also convinced the word I'd heard in the past had a "t" sound in it. So I don't think I've found what I was looking for.

Oy Gevalt--it's enough to make one meshugina.



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