I would like to set the record straight--I am
NOT a fan of the New England Patriots. Mind you, I can't
prove any of this: however I believe the "Spygate" scandal was the tip of the iceberg. I do not for one moment believe that an otherwise honest team cheated only once against a much weaker team. I think the cheating was endemic, that it was partly what led to their successes in past years, and that continuing cheating was responsible for their "16-0" regular season and playoff success this year. Even though I had long wanted to see a team go undefeated, I was very sad when New England did it this year because I don't believe they did it honestly. As harsh as the NFL's penalties were, I believe they should have fined the team far, far more. My personal name for the team is the "New England Cameramen." I hope the Giants tear them to shreds in the Super Bowl this Sunday.
As much as I dislike the New England Cameramen, there is one thing I unquestionably hate more: showboating politicians.
Sen. Arlen Specter chose the week before the Super Bowl to make a stink about the Spygate scandal. I cannot conceive how this could in any way be a matter appropriate for congressional investigation; at the absolute worst possible case, it may rise to a simple criminal case; and I'm not even sure it's that bad. (I'm not fond of grandstanding D.A.'s either, but if fraud laws were broken by high-profile entities, what can you do?) I don't see Specter as standing up for the integrity of the NFL, I see him as unproductively trying to get his name in the news.
Sen. Specter: instead of focusing on the Patriots, why don't you work to repeal the Patriot Act? Do something good for a change!
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