Thursday, June 28, 2007

Speaking of the Constitution...

In recent decisions, the Supreme Court decided that a government school could punish a student for his out-of-school expression, and that the key provisions of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance (read: censorship) bill are Constitutional. Never mind "Bong Hits 4 Jesus"--as the student's sign read in the former case--if the Court genuinely believes the First Amendment is that limited, someone has arranged bong hits for the Justices.

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Cato goes unconstitutional...

Well, I now have a small problem. When I previously cited the U.S. Constitution in my blog, I linked to the Cato Institute's online version. That version disappeared sometime in the past few weeks--the links now direct to a page selling hard copies of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. There are several government websites that have it, but I'll probably go with either the Cornell University Law School or the Emory Law School online versions. Not sure yet where I'll go for the Declaration of Independence.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

The Ballad of Andrew Speaker

There once was a Georgia attorney,
Named Speaker, who flew o'er the sea
He's now disrespected
'Cause he knew he's infected
With a quite nasty strain of TB.

(OK. I probably need to put better poetry up here. I didn't know what else to do with a topical limerick.)

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